Mighty Rottweiler By admin 0 0 895 4
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he Rottweiler is a medium-large breed, slightly longer than it is tall and robust with a powerful, substantial build. It combines the abilities necessary to drive cattle for long distances as well as serve as a formidable guard dog — jobs that entail great strength, agility and endurance. Its trot is sure and powerful, with strong reach and drive. Its coat is straight, coarse and dense. Its expression reflects the Rottweiler at its best — noble, alert and self-assured.
Confident, bold, alert and imposing, the Rottweiler is a popular choice for its ability to protect. As befitting its self-assured nature, it tends to be headstrong and stubborn and is often domineering. It is reserved, often wary, toward strangers. It may be overly protective if it perceives that its family is being threatened, and it may also attempt to "herd" children. This is a powerful breed that needs socialization, consistent training and daily exercise to be the best it can be — a loyal family member and guardian.
The Rottweiler is a medium-large breed, slightly longer than it is tall and robust with a powerful, substantial build. It combines the abilities necessary to drive cattle for long distances as well as serve as a formidable guard dog — jobs that entail great strength, agility and endurance. Its trot is sure and powerful, with strong reach and drive. Its coat is straight, coarse and dense. Its expression reflects the Rottweiler at its best — noble, alert and self-assured.
Mighty Rottweiler By admin 0 0 895 4
4 photos
Cover Photos By admin 0 0 695 3
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Profile Photos By admin 0 0 726 1
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