by Eileen Smith in Cats 1 Like 0 Comments 2.4K Views 0 Favourites 0 Followers
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The Bambino is a breed of cat that was created as a cross between the Sphynx and the Munchkin breeds. The wrinkled hairless appearance and short legs are the breed's two most distinctive features. The back legs can be slightly longer than the front legs. The body is medium to long, with a broad chest and a well-rounded abdomen. Boning is medium. The whippy tail is in good proportion to the rest of the body. Some Bambinos can have a "lion tail"—a puff of hair on the tail tip. The head is a modified wedge with rounded lines, slightly longer than wide. As well as in the Sphynx, the cheekbones and whisker pads are very prominent. The whiskers are sparse and short. The chin is firm. The eyes are large, rounded, and wide spaced. The large ears are set upright, neither too low nor too high. The cat's size and unique physical qualities do not hamper its movements. The weight is 5 to 9 pounds.
The Bambino is a breed of cat that was created as a cross between the Sphynx and the Munchkin breeds. The wrinkled hairless appearance and short legs are the breed's two most distinctive features. The back legs can be slightly longer than the front legs. The body is medium to long, with a broad chest and a well-rounded abdomen. Boning is medium. The whippy tail is in good proportion to the rest of the body.
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